
School Songs

during my years teaching, I wrote varous songs and incidental
music for school plays and the school music program
all music © J Adrian Verkouteren, all rights reserved

Song “Of White and Red”
from Love’s Labor’s Lost, 1969
(1.4 MB)
Song “Maria Walks Amid the Thorn”
from The Butterfingers Angel, 1987
(1 MB)
Song “The Red Sea Rag”
for 4th Grade Lower School Chapel
(1.1 MB)
Song “Where the Bee Sucks”
from The Tempest, 1981
(1.4 MB)
Song “Full Fathom Five”
from The Tempest, 1981
(1.1 MB)
Song “Who Is Sylvia”
from Two Gentlemen of Verona
(1 MB)

MP3 Excerpts: “Incidental Music from The Hobbit

incidental music for flute, clarinet, percussion, & harpsichord